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Toy Dino
Autumn Term 1
The Foundation Stage Team extends a very warm welcome to you and your child as they start school. 

We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you. This year is very exciting for our youngest children because the Department for Education has reformed the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum(EYFS) and our school has chosen to be an ‘early adopter’ school. This means we will be teaching the new curriculum straight away, rather than waiting for the full rollout of the new curriculum to all schools during the next academic year.


Our priority for the first half term is to help the children to settle quickly into ‘big school’ make friends, and feel safe and secure at Trent. This is especially important given that many will have experienced a period of time away from their familiar nurseries or pre-schools.  Our project this half term will be ‘Who am I? We hope this will help us and the children get to know each other as they explore and learn. At Trent, we recognise that your child’s success is often attributed to tremendous commitment from the whole family team, so thank you in advance for your support. This letter is for your information, outlining the learning taking place in Reception class this half term as well as some important information.




COVID19 considerations – play & stay sessions

We are taking lots of additional precautions to ensure your child is safe at school. In order to safeguard all our families and staff, we ask that adults wear a face mask when visiting the school during your child’s play & stay session/s, unless you are exempt due to medical reasons. We will also be asking that you sanitise your hands using the hygiene station situated inside the Reception classroom. Children will also be expected to wash their hands throughout the session. We would prefer if only one adult accompanies their child on the visit/s. If you are new to the school, you will have been timetabled for two play & stay sessions and this provides the opportunity for both parents to attend one session each (on each of the alternate days) 





The children will have PE with our specialist coaches once they are settled into school. We will advise you of their P.E. day and arrangements nearer the time. We aim for lessons to be outdoors as often as possible and on their PE day for children come into school dressed in their PE kit and trainers. 





We follow the London Diocesan Board of Education R.E. syllabus and our first unit is: ‘Who made this wonderful world and why?’ As part of this learning please send in a photograph (can be a photocopy) of your child as a baby (please label with their name on the back) and an item that is ‘precious’ to your child. This could be a special toy (no soft toys please) book, shiny shell etc. Please send this in in named carrier bag.





Please continue to read with your child at home. Each week your child will choose one book from our class library to enjoy reading at home with you. This is not a ‘levelled’ reading book, rather a book to read together. These books are self-selected by the children and should be returned on Fridays (via their book bag) so that they can choose another book. Please ensure that this book stays in your family bubble only. You will receive more information about how we teach reading at Trent in due course. 





Reception children will not have homework until they are fully settled into school. Work will be set via our homework platform Google Classroom. You will receive more information about user names and passwords in due course.




Fruit/vegetables, milk and water 

Reception children receive one piece of fruit or veg as part of the Government fruit scheme. You may wish to provide your child with an additional healthy snack of fruit or veg only for them to eat during break times, once your child is in school full time. Please place their snack in a small lidded pot, clearly labelled with their name. We are a nut free school so NO NUTS or products containing nuts are to be sent into school. Up until their 5thbirthday, children in Reception can also have a carton of milk each day as part of the Government milk scheme.  In addition, please provide your child with a filled water bottle every day, clearly marked with their name. We discourage single use plastic bottles and fruit juice/squash is not allowed. Please note that all water fountains have been switched off due to COVID-19 so it is very important that child has a water bottle filled with fresh water every day. 




School Lunch

Children in years Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a free school lunch. Currently, due to Covid19 restrictions, children will be provided with a packed lunch, which they will consume in class. We encourage you to contact Julie Ring in the office if you believe your child may qualify for Pupil Premium (previously free school meals) as the school receives extra funding. If your child has any medical conditions, allergies or food intolerances, please contact Mrs. Martha Murray (our lead first aider) via the school office so that we can cater for their needs. 





Young Enterprise provides modules that take our children on an inspiring journey of exploration through the world of work, financial capability and enterprise. The Big Bang Fair is an opportunity for Gifted and Talented children to be inspired and enthused by mathematics and discover exciting and rewarding opportunities available in the workplace.




Behaviour Policy

The Behaviour Policy will be clearly explained to all the children across the school. They understand the standard of behaviour expected of them and are responding positively. In Reception we will be encouraging and recognising positive behaviour by rewarding children who do well in a variety of ways.




Here are some useful learning links 

1. Getting dressed
2. ‘What to expect when’
3. Phase 1 phonics games:
4. BBC Counting songs
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